What is the business of McMillan Shakespeare? What is your role?
McMillan Shakespeare (MMS) is an outsourced business solutions company which offers (through its operating brands in Australia, New Zealand and the UK) a suite of products and services across asset management and workplace benefits, such as salary packaging and novated leasing. My role as Group Executive – Innovation, gives me responsibility for driving productivity and service improvements in our core business through innovation and developing new product and market opportunities to ensure the continued success of the business.
Why are you looking to implement an ideation platform? What tangible results are you expecting?
For us an industrialised, group wide, bottom up campaign based innovation platform complements our other imbedded innovations funnels . We are very interested in challenging long held assumptions in our industry and we think that our front line staff are best placed to identify the current inconveniences that customers experience or the opportunities that exist. We want and need everyone in our organisation to be engaged and involved in creating our future.
We expect that our staff at all levels will be excited to participate and contribute to the ideation process and that this will generate meaningful engagement and on-going enhancements to service delivery, business efficiency and product development.
How will you measure success?
Initially through participation and engagements rates and later through ROI of the program at both an enterprise and individual campaign level.