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Using Design Thinking Strategy


About the Video

Jeffrey Tobias, Managing Director of The Strategy Group, explains design thinking strategy – the strategic methodology adapted from design thinking to fit the corporate and government world. This proprietary solution design methodology starts with uncovering the problem from the perspective of your end-user, rather than developing a solution from the perspective of your organisation. Adapted from Design Thinking, our methodology uses primary research and problem framing techniques to understand the needs of your end-user. Only through empathising and engaging with them can we hope to design experiences, products and services to meet their needs. Using innovative brainstorming techniques, prototype development and testing, we work with you to craft and prove offerings that we can be confident will scale and deliver impact. Learn More about this unique methodology with the video below.


What is Design Thinking Strategy?

In essence, design thinking strategy is a method which transfers the core concepts of design thinking into a methodology which addresses practical business and organisational needs. A focus on primary research, customer empathy, human centred design and other key strategem allows focused companies to succeed and outcompete those who fail to adopt the design thinking lens 

This is just one of the many unique methodologies the Strategy Group uses to encourage innovation, growth and better customer experiences in organisations of any size. To learn more and keep up with the latest thought leadership in the field join The Strategy Group monthly innovation insights. To learn how The Strategy Group can assist your organisation towards agility and growth you can Get in Contact With Managing Director Jeffrey Tobias. You can also learn more about design thinking with Six Key Advantages of Design Thinking.


Design solutions that shatter assumptions, delight customers, and define growth possibilities sustainably

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