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Developing Effective Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plans for NSW​


The 5-year Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plans (the plans) are set to expire in June 2024. These plans support the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015, the NSW Biosecurity Strategy, and the NSW Invasive Species Plan (currently being refreshed). The plans are developed by the Local Land Services (LLS) with input from regional pest committees. The State Pest Animal Committee oversees the development and implementation of the plans state-wide.

To address these challenges, LLS partnered with The Strategy Group on a project to develop the new 2024-28 Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plans (RSPAMPs) to be effective, risk-based and inclusive of all key LLS stakeholders.


Refresh the RSPAMPs through co-creation and collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders across the Local Land Services ecosystem.

The project comprised of an initial review of the existing plans followed by a number of workshops with the SRT and regions to develop the new design and content of the RSPAMP for 2024-28. Key activities in our approach included:

  • Facilitating virtual workshops with SRT and regional leads to develop the plans
  • Coordinating the project management with key stakeholders across the 11 regions
  • Providing the graphic design, document structure, branding and accessibility design for the RSPAMP template ensuring consistency in style and format between the 11 regions​.

We are currently working with LLS to finalise the RSPAMPs to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Implement a refreshed document template that ensures consistency throughout the state while allowing for regional flexibility
  • Develop a regional species prioritisation tool to assist regions in the prioritising process
  • Conduct a thorough review of the plans’ purpose and usage
  • Establish a coordinated review and development framework to be followed by all regions​.
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