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Refreshing the Customer Experience Strategy for Wyndham City Council ​


Wyndham is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Victoria, with many residents from diverse backgrounds. Over the next twenty years, an extra 217,000 people are expected to call Wyndham home, taking the population in 2040 to over 500,000 people. The rapid pace of digitisation has also transformed customer behaviour and expectations, so it is imperative for the Council to understand the different needs and preferences their customers. Wyndham City Council engaged The Strategy Group to refresh its Customer Experience (CX) Strategy and develop an actionable roadmap that will enable them to deliver an excellent customer experience across channels.


Refreshing the Customer Experience Strategy and changing the Council’s mindset though a customer centric approach

The Strategy Group refreshed Wyndham City Council’s Customer Experience (CX) Strategy and identified subsequent improvement opportunities through extensive research and co-design workshops. The research methods included leadership workshops, site visits, thorough document reviews, and interviews with customers, and Council Executives.

Valuable actions were also identified in order to build an implementation roadmap that would allow the Council to deliver on each of its new strategic focus areas. After developing the CX Strategy, the focus areas and actions were communicated throughout the Council via workshops, training sessions and journey mapping.

The CX Strategy and subsequent actions were formed for and with Wyndham City Council’s customers by putting them at the centre of our design process.

We engaged The Strategy Group to help us develop our Customer Experience Strategy. Through their guidance and expertise we were able to ensure we were starting the project with a clear understanding of what we wanted to achieve and that we had strong buy in from our Executive team. I would not hesitate to recommend The Strategy Group to any organisation seeking to truly partner with an organisation who is willing to listen to your unique needs and design an approach that will ultimately help you reach your desired outcome.”

– Laura Taylor, Manager Customer Service


A clearly defined path to deliver exceptional customer experience across every council area

The CX Strategy developed defines the five strategic areas that will guide the Council’s overall Customer Experience shift. These pillars will create alignment on how Council employees should interact with customers in order to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Following the definition of the strategic focus areas, together with the Council, The Strategy Group identified possible areas of improvement that formed an implementation roadmap.

Wyndham City Council now has a robust CX Strategy and a clearly-defined path ahead with the opportunities to be able to deliver exceptional customer experience across the Council.

Design solutions that shatter assumptions, delight customers, and define growth possibilities sustainably

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